
Thursday 23 February 2012


Is it just me, or is no room complete without some kind of animal in it??? I love the "kitschy-ness" of it. Lately I've been noticing horse heads EVERYWHERE. Home Sense is filled with them in every corner. Lamps, bookends, you name it. I'm not usually "trendy" when it comes to decorating but I have ALWAYS loved silly little animal things, so I love that this is a trend now! I was SO tempted by all the horse heads but my hubby just wasn't having it. He can deal with dogs, even birds in small doses, but horses? Not so much...
Birds are my fav tho, if it were up to me, I'd have birds on every surface, yup, I'm that crazy bird lady. I have them on my window sill in the kitchen and on the toilet...I LOVE birds! At Christmas time my tree is full of them! I literally have to stop myself from buying little bird ornaments every time I'm shopping. Maybe I have some kind of weird bird fetish??? Must deal with that.

Here's the problem...there's a fine line between old lady and kitsch.....Remember when you'd visit your Grandma's house and she had those Cocker Spaniel ornaments, or the ceramic animals??? I'd say the more comical, whimsical, or ornate the animal, the better. Have fun with it...the bigger the animal, the more it will make you smile and it will be a conversation piece! Just don't start putting them ALL over your house like Grandma did...

This giant deer is too fab. Look at him all shiny, just resting on the coffee table...

I'm pretty sure I'm in love with these dogs alongside the fire place

I know you're all thinking I'm craaaazy but I LOVE that swan. Swoon.

Can't decide if I like this horse head better gold or black

Wouldn't you just feel so glamorous with that GORGEOUS white peacock beside you??? Want.

Love this lamp

If the animals are too much, maybe ostrich eggs are more your style???

Photo Credits~ Barrie Benson, Clayton Gray, Bien Cuit, Bijou and Boheme, Hi Sugarplum, This is Glamorous


  1. I like to think I'm the crazy bird lady, but if you would like that title, I'll let you have it, I love animals, but in small doses, like a dog or horse. I love the black horse, all the rooms are fabulous, I think the unexpected add's some charm to any room. Love your blog, made me chuckle, lol

  2. Hi! I'm trying to track down the exact source of the room with the peacock and the black and white painting (3rd from the bottom). Would you be able to email me with which of the listed websites you found the image? Perhaps a link?

    Thank you so much!


    1. Hello Lovely! Thanks SO much for reading my blog! I am happy to direct you to the link where I found the picture....

      I'd LOVE it of you followed my Blog...
      Have a lovely day Tanya! :)


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo