
Sunday 12 February 2012

Imperial Trellis

Happy Sunday morning! Hope you are relaxing and enjoying this beautiful day! I love lazy Sundays like this. Just made breakfast for the family and now I'm just curled up on the couch browsing through design websites (OK, and maybe a few gossip websites or two), sipping on vanilla tea with my handsome hubby beside me...bliss!

As I mentioned previously, I'm trying to narrow down my wallpaper choices...and let me warn you, there are quite a few! Here is the second contender, let me introduce you to my  favourite love, Imperial Trellis.

Some of the houses shown here have chosen to go BOLD with their colours and I LOVE it! Although, I wouldn't choose those colours for my home. If I were to choose Imperial Trellis, I'd probably opt for a taupe, brown, or grey.

Oh, but this blue is quite fab!!!

I'm thinking this is a good colour

I like the idea of doing a feature wall, as this pattern may be a little busy on all walls

This is Chloe Sevigny's entranceway with green imperial trellis wallpaper

Love this colour

This colour may be it!

Like I said, I'm loving imperial trellis...found this great pillow at West Elm

Photo Credits~ Decor Pad, Veranda Home, Garrendenny Lane

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I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo