
Thursday 22 March 2012


So my Hubby and I embarked on our very first DIY this week. He had this change table from when he was a baby (awww!) This thing was uuuugly, but he had a vision for it. We eventually want to use it as a change table when we have a little one, but what do two people without a baby do with it??? Use it for a bar of course!!!!! I have to admit, I didn't see much hope for this thing...but he convinced me, and boy am I glad I listened! It turned out awesome!!!!

The before
See, told you it was ugly!!!

The finished hutch! Yay! 

We found these crystal knobs at Lee Valley

And we found this antique tray from the 30's...perfect!


  1. It looks awesome! Giving old things a new life is the best!

    xoxo, Emily

  2. Thanks Emily! I was so nervous, because this thing was terrible! LOL! Thanks for the compliment! SO glad it worked! xoxo


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo