
Sunday 11 March 2012

Ok, it's official, I have crazy expensive taste...even in pigs.

Remember this lil piggy that I was coveting????

I know, kinda weird, but don't judge...I have been looking everywhere for him... antique stores, home stores...everywhere. My Hubby decided to do a little investigating for me and ended up finding him! Turns out, this little guy is the celebrity of pigs (Minus Wilber of course). Turns out, it is the Harry Allen Money Bank, which you can own for....are you ready for this??????? $195! Here is a quote from the website, "This wonderful piggy bank holds up to $10,000 in dollar bills."
Oh, that's perfect...because I've been looking for a piggy bank to hold my $10,000!!!!

Photo Credits~ Joanna Hillman, Domino Magazine

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I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo