
Sunday 22 April 2012

Mints and Baby Blues

I LOVE me some pastels. Usually pink is my fav pastel, but these blues and mints have me thinking otherwise. These colours in a room are simply delish and I am loving these colours for my wardrobe! Are you ready for some of the yummiest rooms ever!?! 

WANT this outfit!

Hello Lovelies! These are some beautiful cane back chairs!!!

This room, from top to bottom is literally too incredible. Cane back chairs, silk drapery, settee, paneling, gilt mirror, sconce...beyond wow

Love these curtains

Isn't the wallpaper fab!?! Also digging that rug, the sconces and table

Photo Credits~ Link Love, Krista Ewart, James Andrew, House of Turquoise, Inspired Design, La Dolce Vita, Interior Design Home Decor

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I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo