
Monday 2 April 2012

Ryan Korban Inspiration...Dans le Townhouse

A little while ago I got an email from a lovely fellow blogger named Tanya from Dans le Townhouse. She wanted to know the source behind this picture, which happens to also be one of my FAV pics of all time! Still unsure of the artist, but the picture is in the home of designer Ryan Korban.
Tanya is one talented chicky. She is all about the DIY and she rocks it! She set out the recreate this painting and make it her own. I love that. If you haven't seen her blog, you must check it out.'ll be inspired, trust me!

Here is the original picture

Now check out what Tanya did....

Here is the artwork before and after! LOVE the frame

Told you she was fab!!! She also made the frame herself! When I grow up I want to be just like Tanya! ;) Be sure to check out her other awesome DIY's on her blog


  1. You're too kind!! Thanks so much for featuring my little DIY (and tracking down the original source, you're such a super-sleuth). Your nice words have made me blush!!

  2. I only speak the truth, Lovely! And yes, I sure am a super-sleuth! P.S. Totally didn't know what that meant and had to look it up! Ha! But now that I know....SO in my vocab.


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo