
Friday 18 May 2012

Happy Friday!

How about a big ol' woot woot for Friday and even more exciting, a looong weekend!!!! We don't have a whole lot planned which I LOVE! We haven't had a quiet weekend in what seems like forever! Tonight I am meeting my FABULOUS girlfriends (minus one of our Fab Foursome-sad face) for dinner and a cocktail movie! I can't wait! Time for some much needed catch ups and good old fashioned gossip! Saturday we are headed to my Sissy's to help raise the pool. Ok, so I'll be suntanning but my Hubby will be hard at work! After that we'll have a family bbq and relax by the pool! What are your plans this long weekend??? Whatever you're doing I hope it's a GREAT one! xoxo, Sarah

Nothing like girl talk and a laugh with your friends

Photo Credits~ Sex and the city HBO


  1. Happy long weekend Sarah ( a.k.a. Carrie), since you have the same style, in fact, I think you should post that picture of yourself in Barbados,you know the one, with the floppy black hat, you're so fantastic in that outfit, and it's only fitting for you to share it.

  2. Haha! Thanks Sissy! You are too funny! I only wish I were as fabulous as Carrie but a girl can dream right!?!

  3. You are just as fabulous if not more, the reason you may ask? because you're real, no one has to write your lines, your fashion and taste is your very own, and you have great style that's all your own. Plus, you share your amazing finds with all of us, so you're inspiring others, and a great teacher in every sense of the word.

  4. Awwwww! Thank you Sweetiepie! I love you so much!


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo