
Monday 4 June 2012

Coffee Table Styling

I've been looking for ideas to style my coffee table and create the perfect vignette. Here are some photos that have completely inspired me lately

A definite must, coffee table books. Flowers are a gorgeous addition to a table as well

This table reminds me of mine because of the glass and two tiers...Again, loving the books and flowers. I have a little shell ball like that one

I am thinking of these little topiary balls, saw them last weekend and was contemplating buying them! I am loving the horse

How completely delish is this coffee table? It reminds me of a tree trunk, love!

A simple tray is nice to hold books and a vase of flowers

Vogue book, a must...I have one that I received as a gift from my lovely Sissy. Still looking for a few more to add to my collection. I am thinking a Chanel book or Dior would be tres fab and there is also a Louis Vuitton book that I have my eye on. These books are like artwork for your table!

Ooooh lovin the Ralph Lauren

Here is my coffee table now....will show you the updated table in a few!

What do ya'll think? What am I missing??? Would love to hear what you think! xo

Photo Credits~ The Cherry Blossom Girl, Classy in The City, Inspired Girl, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vogue, Who What Wear, Sarah Ellison


  1. All of these vignettes are lovely! I think you are off to a great start with your own. I love that piece of coral. I just think once you add a few more book stacks it will look more complete. Love what you have so far!

    1. Aaaw thanks so much Sweetiepea! I definitely want some more books, but they are so crazy expensive! One book at a time for this gal! Slooowly I may get my collection complete!
      xoxo, Sarah

  2. Your coffee table looks great already! I agree with Sam, I think you need a few more books to fill the space...add some fresh flowers and it will look just as good as those pics you shared!
    Carrie :)

    1. Carrie! Thanks so much! Agreed. Definitely need more books and flowers to complete the look. Thanks for the feedback xoxo

  3. LOVE the coffee table books! I am currently trying to find the perfect ones for my new house!

    Brighton Keller

  4. Hi Kelly, thanks so much! We purchased the coffee table from a store in Vaughan, ON called Design Interiors
    Take care,

  5. Hi Kelly! So happy to receive an email with your question. The shell ball was purchased in Port Perry, ON at a store called Lukes. I've also seen them at a store in Whitby called Penney & Co.
    Thanks for checking in on my blog! My little guy keeps me pretty busy but maybe one day I'll get back to blogging. Take care xx


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo