
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Lonny Mag Jun/Jul

I am blown away, as per usual with the latest edition of's like, stupid good!
There was a feature on camels, yup, camels (be still my heart, I'm a sucker for cute animals)

The rooms are too DIE for in this issue. It was hard to choose my favs (almost just copied and pasted the whole issue!) Have a looksie

I'm a sucker for maps, I'm swooning over this wall of maps

Even more camels

I LOVED the feature on designer Ron Marvin's home..SO my style

His living room is ah may zing

I love an old fashioned phone

Love that light fixture and that fur pillow!

This room feels so fresh and relaxing

Love these pink chairs!!!

Lovin the ghost table and that pink headboard!

Check out the entire issue here

Photo Credits~ Lonny Magazine


  1. So much fun eye candy! Totally digging the map gallery wall!

    1. Isn't it totally eye candy! It's like crack to a decor lover! :)

  2. I agree! SO much eye candy, I LOVE Lonny! I also love your blog!


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo