
Monday 2 July 2012

Bits of my weekend

Happy Monday to all you little Lovebugs. Hope you had a great one! Here's what we got up to this weekend. Friday we went shopping downtown at the Eaton Centre, tres fun. Saturday we relaxed by Ryan's parent's pool and Sunday we celebrated our dear friends Ryan and Katie's wedding. They are such a beautiful couple and I am so very happy for them! xoxo

Fri. shopping downtown

Sat. relaxing and sunning!

Getting ready for the wedding!

Just married!!! Yay! xoxo

The beautiful bride!!!

Our gorgeous friends

Yup, doing the limbo!!!


  1. Gorgeous pictures! It looks like a fun weekend! Do you live in Toronto? When I move there in October we should have a blogger date!
    Ps. I am doing an earring giveaway this week!

  2. Awww thanks Hun! We live in Durham, we should DEF have a bloggy date when you move to the city! Yay! That would be so much fun...have a feeling we wouldn't stop talking!!!
    xoxo, Sarah


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo