
Sunday 8 July 2012

Bits of My Weekend

Welcome to another week Lovemuffins! Hope you had a fun and relaxing weekend! Here's what we got up to!

Friday we went to visit my lovely Sissy and went for a swim, it has been insanely hot these last few weeks, holy cow!!!

side note-please don't mind my Hubby's shirt, he doesn't normally wear shirts with Cadillacs on them but his shirt got dirty so this was the only shirt they could find to fit him! LOL! 

Remember these DELICIOUS plates I was coveting???

Well, on Sat. afternoon Ryan and I went to this awesome antique barn and lookie what Ryan found! Not exactly the same but pretty close and pretty fab!!!

Mint and gold, my fav!

We went to see Ted, yes I said it...we went to see this movie and yes, I loved it. I have a thing for talking animals etc. I think it is ridiculously funny.

Let me tell you bout my best friend....

After the movie we went over to my other sister's house and we had a family dodgeball tournament and it was SO fun!!! (Until I got hit in the boobs)

I ball so hard....

Then Sat. night we had a few people over and THIS is what my Husband and Nephew brought home (yes, I said Husband and Nephew are the same age...crazy right!?!)

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