
Monday 16 July 2012

Bits of My Weekend

Good morning cupcakes! Hope you had a relaxing and fun weekend! We made the most of every minute! I was a good blogger and took lots of pics! Friday was my sweet nephew's 7th birthday and we had a lovely bday celebration at my Sissy's. My oldest nephew made Pad Thai and it was scruuumtious!

I guess my niece and I were feeling Nautical that morning because we were both in our striped dresses! Cute!

Sat. morning I woke up to flowers from my delicious Hubby!!! Awwww! Love him!

After that, we met Sissy, her Hubby, my cutie nephew and Mama for Brekkie. Yup, this is my plate, and yup it was delish!

Then we headed to Port Perry and did a little browsing....after about an hour we had to leave because it was SO dreadfully hot, we couldn't stand it.
My slushie only cooled me down for a minute!

My cute Hubsy enjoying a lemonade

I thought this sign was too funny!

And look at this wind chime!!! Hysterical 

This antique store has the most beautiful furniture and displays. I was in love with this French sofa. I will have a French sofa one day!!!

After we left Port Perry, we decided we needed to re-hydrate so we sat on a patio for some drinkies...we were only able to stay for a bit tho because we were DYING of heat!!! It's weird because I usually don't complain about the heat, I LOVE it, but this weekend was insanely hot. We're used to pretty hot summers, but this is too much!!! (Remind me of these words in the winter)

On Sun. afternoon we decided to visit Ryan's Mama and have a little pool party for just the 3 of us! Like my hat???

Then, an hour into our "pool party" something happened and we were all very started to rain!!! We haven't seen rain in what seems like FOREVER! Then it got down to 72 degrees after the rain, and we were in shock considering it's felt in the 100's for weeks with the, hot, hot!!!

Rain, what's that?????

On a side note, I have an obsession with rain boots. I'd probably never wear them but they are just SO darn cute!!! Hey, maybe for yard duty in the yucky muddy weather they'd work...hmmm maybe I do need a pair!

We ended Sun. evening with little ice creams and a little walk....then it started raining again! LOL
What did you guys get up to???


  1. Awww, sounds like a lovely weekend! SO jealous you went swimming and I love the nautical dresses ;)

    1. Thanks Tanya! How was your weekend love?

  2. I love love love your blog.


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo