
Monday 23 July 2012

Bits of My Weekend

Hello Beauties! How was your weekend? We were pretty busy, as usual. On Sat., we went to a yard sale. My oldest Sissy has been chosen as a participant on Oprah's Million Dollar Neighbourhood. If you haven't heard of the show, it basically follows a hundred families that are struggling with something in their lives. "Most" of the families are in some kind of debt because of these issues. My Sister has been battling severe anxiety for years. For a few years, it was completely debilitating and she was very depressed. While she is not in huge debt, she is a shopaholic and felt that the show would help with that and also, she wanted to share her story about her anxiety in hopes to help others. They offer therapy and there are tons of challenges and participants have the opportunity to win $10, 000 each week and there is a $100, 000 prize at the end. Although there are a hundred families participating, they have chosen 30 families to focus on and film as the main story lines of the show and my sister was chosen as one. Pretty neat stuff! Can't say I'd ever do this, but it is def interesting! Anyways, this Sat., as one of the challenges, the families had to hold a giant yard sale to raise money and we went to show our support! It was pretty neat to see all the camera crews and my sister being interviewed and followed!
I can't share too many details, but here are a few pics! And yes, I'm wearing my orange dress AGAIN, please don't think that's all I wear, I do have other clothes, I swear! LOL! I just thought it would stand out on camera (wink)

Helping my Sissy sell at her booth! 

We found this sweet chair!

We plan to reupholster it, also in a mint colour

And we also found this antique gilt mirror!

Don't mind my little toes in the pic!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!

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I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo