
Thursday 19 July 2012

Celebrity Home of the Week~Amanda Peet's Place

Hello little muffins, hope you're having a GREAT week! Here's a little sneaky peek into Amanda Peet's Los Angeles home from Vogue magazine. I think it's so fun to look into celebrity's homes, or heck, even stranger's homes as my Hubby and I go for walks...wait, that sounded creepy...Is it just me, or do you like seeing other people's houses??? I think it's so neat to see how other people live. Please don't think I'm cray cray! I swear, I only sneak peaks! LOL

This sweet photo was taken in their grapefruit orchard!

Photo Credits~ Vogue Magazine


  1. Woah woah woah...Back up. That DINING ROOM! The boho bench, the wishbone chairs, everything. Simply beautiful. And I love seeing how other people live!

    My neighbour down the street has the most amazing, Scandinavian style home that I was in once when I was a little girl, and I still think about to this day! I was thinking about asking her if I could showcase it on the blog..but thought it might be creepy. lol

    1. Ha ha ha! I could just imagine you asking your neighbour if you could post pics of her house that you remember as a child...too funny! That being said, I want to see it, so who cares if you're a creep, do it! LOL!


I heart comments! Thanks you sweetipie! xo